Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) & Smoking FAQs

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is not curable, but you will improve your quality of life and stop your COPD from getting any worse by quitting. And quitting cuts your chances of developing COPD by half. You can quit. EX can help.

Show Answer / Hide AnswerWhat if I have COPD and I live with other smokers?
Show Answer / Hide AnswerWhat if I smoked for years and now have COPD – is it too late for me to quit?
Show Answer / Hide AnswerWhy should I consider using medications to help me quit?
Show Answer / Hide AnswerHow can I find out what other people with COPD are doing to quit?
Show Answer / Hide AnswerWhere can I go if I’m interested in more information about lung health?