Over-The-Counter (OTC) Medications

Quitting medications can make quitting much more comfortable, and increase your chance of success.

You can choose to use medications available over the counter. These include nicotine gum, nicotine lozenges, and nicotine patches.

You can buy them without a prescription at any pharmacy, as well as many other retailers like Target, Walmart, Amazon, and Dollar General.

Many states make quitting medications available through a quitline. Call 1-800-QUIT-NOW to find out what is available in your state.

If you have insurance, most health plans offer quitting medication at no or very low cost to members. Call the number on the back of your insurance card to check on your benefits. Some insurance plans require a prescription from your health care provider to cover the cost of the medication.

When you're ready, set your quit date. Setting a quit date gives you time to get ready, and gives you something to work toward.

  • Today
  • Quit Date

You've selected a quit date that's in the past

If you have already quit, you can use your My EX Plan page to help stay on track.

If you’ve selected ~DATE1~ by mistake, adjust it to a date in the future. We recommend somewhere between 2 and 4 weeks from today. This will give you time to prepare for your upcoming quit.

You've selected a quit date that's within the next two weeks…

Are you sure you're ready? Don’t forget that you’ll need time to re-learn life without cigarettes and prepare before the big day. To make sure you can get everything done, we recommend choosing this date 2-4 weeks from now, ~DATE1~.

If you still want to go with a Quit Date of ~DATE2~, click the button below. Otherwise, close this box and choose another date.

You've selected a quit date that's more than four weeks from now.

Are you sure you want to wait that long? If you think it’s going to take you that long to re-learn life without cigarettes and prepare for the big day, then keep it. But in general we’ve found that having a quit date that’s more than four weeks away can give you too much time to change your mind about quitting. So we recommend choosing a date 2-4 weeks from now, ~DATE1~.

If you still want to go with a Quit Date of ~DATE2~, click the button below. Otherwise, close this box and choose another date.

You're all ready to quit

Now that you’ve set your quit date, you’ll move to the My EX Plan page. The My EX Plan page will be your home base as you re-learn life without cigarettes and quit smoking.


OTC Medications

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