Making a Mantra

It can help to have a simple phrase or mantra that you repeat when cravings come up or times get tough. Read some mantras that others use. Then, create your own.

Self-talk can be a powerful tool that reminds you of your commitment to quit. It can also be a weapon to fight trying times, or a way to respond when others offer you a cigarette.

Here are a few favorites from the EX Community:

  • N.O.P.E.: Not One Puff Ever

  • Just keep them away from your face!

  • Life is grand without a cigarette in hand

  • Smoking Is Not An Option (SINAO)

  • I am a non-smoker

What will your mantra be?

Now it’s your turn. Maybe you want to adopt one of these. Maybe you want to craft your own. If you'd like, share your mantra with the EX Community.