Pros and Cons About Quitting

Most tobacco users have mixed feelings about quitting. Smoking, vaping, dipping or chewing might make you feel good when you’re doing it. Or maybe it just makes you feel better than when you don’t. Over time though, negative feelings about using tobacco can begin to outweigh any positive feelings.

It’s normal to have mixed feelings like this. Smoking, vaping, dipping or chewing can feel like an important part of your life. And the idea of quitting can be overwhelming.

Take out a piece of paper, or make a note on your phone. Write down the pros and cons that go through your mind when you think about quitting. The pros would be any positive thoughts and feelings about quitting. The cons would be any negative thoughts or feelings about quitting. Here are some examples to get you started on your own list:



I'd have more energy


I'd have to figure out a new way to relax when I'm stressed out


My friends and family would be proud of me


I'd miss having a smoke with my morning coffee


I wouldn't feel trapped by an addiction anymore


I'd need to figure out what to say when friends offer me a plug or hit off their vape

Deciding to make a major life change is hard. Take time to examine your thoughts and feelings about smoking, vaping, dipping or chewing.