Practicing Mindfulness for Craving and Stress Relief
When you have an urge to smoke, practicing mindfulness can help you get through it. The RAINE mindfulness method is a technique that can help ease cravings and reduce stress.
Mindfulness is being intentionally aware of what you’re sensing and feeling. It’s a lot like simply “paying attention.” Mindfulness can help you get through triggers and cravings. It can also help reduce stress.
You can practice mindfulness when you’re not experiencing a craving or stress. It’s like getting ready for a long hike by taking shorter, easier hikes first. Practicing mindfulness when your mind is calm can help you be ready to use this tool when you’re having a tough time.
The more you practice mindfulness, the easier it will be to deal with your triggers. You’ll still feel cravings, but they won’t control you as much. Mindfulness can help you choose to react in a way that fits with the smoke-free vision you have for yourself.
The RAINE Mindfulness Method
This exercise puts some time between your craving and smoking. By the time you go through all the steps, your craving might have passed – and you’ll feel proud of yourself for getting through that hard moment! Practice it often. See what else you notice by practicing mindfulness.
Next up today, let’s get you even more ready to quit by writing a goodbye letter to tobacco.